Monday, November 19, 2018

warm with a wood burning fireplace

Is it dangerous to get warm with a wood burning fireplace(καυσοξυλα)?

Fire is one of the most seasoned types of warming. The chimneys have experienced a huge advancement lately that has enabled them to adjust to present day times, as more current and more beautiful offices, and also rehearses.

Heating with a chimney is an important monetary sparing in light of the fact that fuel, firewood , is less expensive than different energizes, for example, gas or diesel, if it is well manufactured and introduced. Also, biological on the grounds that wood recovers; while the tree develops, CO 2 is changed into oxygen.

It is important, while thinking about the choice of introducing a fireplace, to consider the execution and power. The firewood has a particular ability to transmit warm and the fireplace is the one that exploits this warmth. Contingent upon the sort of fireplace,

the execution will be higher or lower. For instance, a customary fireplace, that is, open and stubborn block, as a rule has a yield of 20%, which implies that just exploits 20% of the calorific capability of firewood . Interestingly, a metal chimney has an a lot higher execution, which can extend somewhere in the range of 40% and 75%, contingent upon the model and whether it is shut or not.

At the point when the fireplace does not function admirably

The great working of a chimney not just enables us to appreciate a higher execution and more warmth, yet in addition stays away from circumstances of hazard, for example, the presence of carbon monoxide , a colorless,

scentless, flat and non-chafing gas that It produces when fills, for example, firewood don't consume totally and produce an abundance of this harmful gas.
(ξυλα για τζακι)
At the point when this gas enters the body it keeps the blood from conveying oxygen to our cells , tissues and organs. What's more, since it is so hard to distinguish, it can cause genuine harm whenever breathed in for a significant lot of time.

Indications like those of nourishment harming may happen, for example, migraine and discombobulation, queasiness, tiredness or visual issues and, in the most serious cases, even passing.

Seven activities for the fireplace to function admirably

Construction and maintenance are fundamental for good and correct utilization of the chimney .

On the off chance that these two viewpoints meet the fundamental prerequisites, the utilization of the chimney does not need to represent a hazard, neither of inebriation nor of flame, two of the principle related dangers.

Notwithstanding disengaging the chimney from materials or ignitable components, for example, roofs, rooftops, wooden structures, for example, false roofs or parquet floors, the dividers and floor close to the fireplace ought not contain flammable material, for example, paper, rugs, covering.

Combustible fluids can not be scorched to touch off the fire, nor wood or wet or green wood. Interestingly, the wood is dry, that is,

it has been cut in any event the earlier year, along these lines we ensure that it has dried totally. It is additionally not prescribed to consume resinous firewood since it can emit dangerous items. (τζαμια κρυσταλλα)

As per the Department of the Interior of the Generalitat of Catalonia, so the fire does not transmit lethal items or aggregate in the chimney residue or tar, it must be alive, yet without an excessive amount of firewood , so it has a decent course.

It is important to ventilate the room where the chimney is to abstain from printing issues, grouping of harmful items, particularly carbon monoxide, and awful stench. Every day must be ventilated for a couple of minutes to guarantee the section of oxygen and clean air.

The cleaning is likewise definitive to keep the pipes clean of ash. In a pipe that is excessively grimy or stopped up, the ignition gases can not be cleared appropriately and represent a hazard to wellbeing.

It is prescribed to clean it toward the start of the season, particularly on the off chance that the fireplace is utilized every day. Cleaning additionally relies upon the sort of wood utilized: pine and spruce require more regular cleaning than oak, best or slag. It is prescribed to clean it when 3,000 to 4,000 kilos of firewood have been scorched. Also,

the drier the wood, the less sediment it produces. To clean the chimney, sufficient utensils ought to be utilized and synthetic items not suggested by the maker ought to be maintained a strategic distance from.

Ought to be checked for breaks or gaps that influence smoke to lose. This is harmful and, hence, through the breaks can pass the smoke to another room.

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